Science & Math Words (By RIT Score Range)


RIT Score Range: 151-160

• estimate

• half

• inch

• length

• most

• same

• shape

• size

• tallest

RIT Score Range: 161–170

• add

• addend

• centimeter

• circle

• cone

• corner

• cylinder

• equal

• feet

• flat

• largest

• longest

• more

• number

• number line

• number sentence

• pattern

• penny

• pyramid

• rectangle

• shortest

• sphere

• square

• tall

• triangle

RIT Score Range:171 –180

• between

• cent

• count

• cube

• diamond

• dime

• divide

• dollar

• even number

• fact family

• factor

• fewest

• figure

• gram

• graph

• greater

• greater than

• hour

• hundred

• hundreds

• less than

• line segment

• metric

• minute

• model

• most likely

• multiply

• numeral

• one

• ones

• ounce

• outside

• perimeter

• pound

• quart

• represent

• similar

• square unit

• subtract

• sum

• table

• temperature

• ten

• tens

• thermometer

• thousand

• time

• total

• whole number

RIT Score Range: 181-190

• addition

• after

• angle

• area

• average

• before

• Celsius

• chance

• chart

• clock

• clockwise

• closest

• congruent

• cost

• counting order

• cup

• day

• degree

• distance

• divisible

• dozen

• equation

• estimation

• flip

• foot

• fourths

• fraction

• gallon

• geometric figure

• half past

• height

• kilometer

• large

• least

• less

• line

• line of symmetry

• liter

• lowest

• measure

• meter

• mile

• more than

• morning

• most often

• multiplication

• nickel

• noon

• o'clock

• odd number

• order

• pint

• point

• quarter

• rate

• rotation

• round

• row

• second

• sentence

• set

• seventh

• side

• slide

• smallest

• solve

• symmetry

• tablespoon

• taller

• teaspoon

• ten thousand

• tenth

• thirds

• turn

• unit

• width

• yard

• year

RIT Score Range: 191–200

• approximate

• coins

• composite number

• consecutive

• decade

• deposit

• diagonal

• diagram

• difference

• digit

• division

• dollar sign

• face

• fact

• Fahrenheit

• fewer

• first

• fourth

• greatest

• hundredth

• intersect

• kilogram

• latest

• line graph

• measurement

• miles per hour

• milliliter

• million

• nearest

• number statement

• operation

• parallel

• parallelogram

• percent

• perpendicular

• polygon

• prime number

• product

• quarter past

• quarter to

• ray

• rectangular prism

• rectangular solid

• right angle

• rise

• rod

• same shape

• scale

• sign

• spinner

• square inch

• subtraction

• subtrahend

• surface

• symbol

• thousands

• thousandth

• ton

• unifix cubes

• value

• vertical line

• weight

• what time

• zero

RIT Score Range: 201–210

• about how much

• acute angle

• altitude

• bar graph

• base

• below

• biggest

• billion

• capacity

• change

• circumference

• compatible numbers

• coordinate point

• cubic unit

• data

• decameter

• decimeter

• decrease

• double

• east

• equivalent

• expanded numeral

• fold

• greatest common factor

• grid

• how many more

• hundred million

• hundred thousand

• hundredths

• inside

• inverse operation

• kite

• larger

• less likely

• lowest common


• magic square

• mass

• mathematical statement

• maximum

• miles per gallon

• milligram

• millimeter

• minimum

• mirror image

• mixed number

• multiple

• negative

• north

• number cube

• obtuse angle

• octagon

• ordered pair

• origin

• oval

• pentagon

• plane

• positive

• probability

• proportion

• quadrilateral

• random

• rectangular

• rectangular box

• regroup

• regular polygon

• rename

• rhombus

• rule

• ruler

• sequence

• skew

• speed

• square number

• standard numeral

• statement

• straight

• symmetrical

• ten thousands

• times

• trapezoid

• triple

• twist

• volume

• week

• when

• wide

RIT Score Range: 211–220

• above

• century

• circle graph

• column

• combinations

• common multiple

• commutative

• compare

• congruent angle

• cord

• date

• decimal

• decimal form

• decimal point

• diameter

• dice

• dilation

• evaluate

• factor tree

• fitted line

• formula

• function

• geometric solid

• heads

• hectometer

• high

• how many

• hundred thousands

• increase

• integer

• least common


• likelihood

• line of best fit

• line plot

• lowest terms

• mean

• micrometer

• mileage table

• month

• odd

• parallel line

• perpendicular line

• place value

• plus

• proof

• property

• protractor

• prove

• quintillion

• radius

• ratio

• reduce

• reflection

• region

• remainder

• Roman numeral

• simplify

• smaller

• south

• square centimeter

• square feet

• square mile

• straight angle

• systematic list

• tails

• three-dimensional

• transformation

• translation

• triangular prism

• trillion

• union

• vertex

• vertical angle

• west

RIT Score Range: 221–230

• 5-frame

• absolute value

• algebra

• algebraic equation

• annual

• associative

• bill

• box-and-whisker plot

• center

• coin

• common denominator

• common factor

• compute

• constant

• coordinate

• cubic centimeter

• cubic feet

• cubic meter

• cubic millimeter

• cubic yard

• dimension

• distributive

• edge

• enlargement

• equilateral

• experimental probability

• expression

• fastest

• frequency table

• heaviest

• inequality

• interest

• isosceles triangle

• lightest

• longer

• mathematical sentence

• median

• middle

• midpoint

• mode

• net

• ninth

• obtuse triangle

• outcome

• partial product

• pi

• positive linear


• predict

• prime factorization

• quadrant

• real number

• rectangular shape

• reflexive

• scalene triangle

• scatter plot

• shorter

• square meter

• standard form

• stem and leaf plot

• substitution

• survey

• ten million

• ten thousandth

• theoretical probability

• thousandths

• transitive

• twice

RIT Score Range: 231–240

• acute triangle

• algebraic sentence

• arc

• arithmetic progression

• borrow

• chord

• congruent side

• convert

• corresponding angle

• corresponding side

• cross-section area

• cubed

• cubic inch

• data point

• discount

• ellipse

• equality

• expanded notation

• exponent

• frequency

• half hour

• horizontal

• how long

• how much time

• incline

• interior angle

• interval

• kilowatt

• long

• lower quartile

• magnitude

• matrix

• meters per minute

• minus

• opposite

• outlier

• parabola

• percentile

• power

• quadrupled

• range

• right triangle

• sample

• scale factor

• scale model

• scientific notation

• secant

• short

• slope

• solution

• square pyramid

• square region

• successive

• system of equations

• tangent

• tax

• tenth power

• tenths

• term

• tessellation

• tripled

• upper quartile

• vector

• vertical

RIT Score Range: 241–250

• adjacent angle

• algebra tile

• alternate exterior angle

• alternate interior angle

• angle bisector

• average salary

• commission

• complementary angle

• conclusion

• congruent triangle

• construction

• converse

• correlation

• domain

• equation of a line

• equiangular triangle

• equilateral triangle

• function table

• hyperbolic

• hypotenuse

• infinite

• interquartile range

• least common multiple

• leg

• linear foot

• linear graph

• linear pair

• number sequence

• point of intersection

• precise

• prime factor

• Pythagorean theorem

• rectangular area

• regression equation

• semicircle

• series

• square yard

• squared

• sum of measures

• supplementary

• surface area

• symmetric

• times table

• valid

• velocity

• whole

• wider

• x-axis

• y-axis

RIT Score Range: 251–260

• central angle

• coordinate plane

• exterior angle

• feet per second

• heptagon

• hexagon

• how much

• inscribe

• polynomial

• quartile

• regular hexagon

• representative sample

• right cylinder

• right pyramid

• slant height

• slope-intercept form

• solution set

• square kilometer

• supplementary angle

• time-and-a-half

• transversal

• undefined

• variable

• x-coordinate

• y-coordinate

• y-intercept

RIT Score Range: 261–270

• adjacent side

• axis

• circular

• collinear

• cosecant

• cosine

• counterexample

• depreciate

• empty set

• geometric series

• line symmetry

• opposite side

• point symmetry

• regular pentagon

• rotational symmetry

• semi-annual

• sine

• trigonometric function

• trigonometric relationship

• x-intercept

RIT Score Range: 271–280

• axis of symmetry

• bisector

• decagon

• perpendicular bisector

RIT Score Range: 281–290

• exponential

• identity

• inverse

• log

• reciprocal


RIT Score Range: 161-170

• animal

• bird

• egg

• life cycle

RIT Score Range: 171–180

• (pine) cone

• air

• amphibian

• bean

• body

• breathe

• bud

• burrow

• caterpillar

• cave

• cloud

• coal

• cool

• cycle

• den

• desert

• dew

• drown

• Earth

• fall

• fish

• flower

• fog

• forest

• frog

• gasoline

• gill

• grow

• hail

• hatch

• head

• hibernate

• hot

• ice

• jungle

• leaf

• leg

• liquid

• mammal

• mountain

• neck

• need

• nest

• ocean

• plant

• protect

• pull

• push

• reptile

• rock

• root

• season

• seed

• seedling

• shell

• shoulder

• skin

• sleet

• smog

• snow

• soil

• spider

• spring

• stage

• stem

• summer

• Sun

• temperature

• time

• toad

• tree

• turtle

• waist

• weather

• wind

• worm

RIT Score Range: 181-190

• (egg) shell

• absorb

• active

• alive

• Alpha Centauri

• anemometer

• atmosphere

• autumn

• backbone

• bacteria

• balance (scale)

• bank

• barometer

• beach

• beak

• body of water

• bone

• bush

• calorie

• carbon dioxide

• carnivore

• cavities

• clam

• cold-blooded

• condensation

• conservation

• core

• crust

• crystal

• day

• daytime

• degree

• drink

• earthquake

• efficiency

• electricity

• enemy

• energy

• evaporation

• feather

• feel

• fossil

• friction

• fungus

• gas

• grain

• gravity

• hair

• hear

• heart

• heat

• height

• herb

• herbivore

• hind

• hydrometer

• hygrometer

• inch

• Inertia

• insect

• intestines

• iron

• Jupiter

• knee

• land

• length

• light

• living

• load

• lung

• magnet

• magnetic field

• magnetism

• magnifying glass

• mantle

• map

• Mars

• measure

• measuring cup

• Mercury (planet)

• metal

• meter

• milk

• minute

• mold

• Moon

• mouth

• natural resource

• nectar

• night

• nutrient

• observe

• ocean floor

• Orion

• oxygen

• planet

• Pluto

• polarization

• Pole Star

• polluted

• pollution

• precipitation

• pump

• recycle

• rib

• salt

• sand

• Saturn

• scale

• seasonal change

• see

• sense

• shadow

• shrub

• sight

• signal

• sleep

• smell

• solar system

• solid

• sound

• spears

• spring scale

• star

• steam

• stomach

• stone

• store

• stream

• structure

• sunlight

• surface

• swim

• tar

• taste

• thermometer

• tool

• touch

• unit of measure

• Uranus

• vine

• vitamin

• water

• water cycle

• water vapor

• winter

• wood

• woods

• work

RIT Score Range: 191–200

• abdomen

• adapt

• asteroid

• atom

• attract

• attraction

• axis

• bark

• blood

• body part

• body segments

• boil

• breeze

• bristle

• camouflage

• cat

• cell

• cell wall

• cephalothorax

• change

• characteristic

• chloroplast

• circulation

• circulatory system

• classification

• classify

• claw

• climate

• cohesion

• color

• comet

• complete (circuit)

• condense

• constant

• consumer

• container

• Coriolis force

• crack

• cross section

• cubic

• daylight

• decay

• defense

• developmental sequence

• diagram

• digestion

• digestive system

• direct (sunlight)

• direction

• dissolve

• distance

• down

• draft

• dust

• Earth's surface

• echo

• electrical conductor

• electrical energy

• electrical force

• electromagnetism

• energy source

• equilibrium

• erosion

• esophagus

• evaporate

• exercise

• experimentation

• explanation

• extinct

• feline

• field

• fire

• flood

• food chain

• food web

• force

• form

• four-chambered heart

• freeze

• fruit

• fulcrum

• function

• galaxy

• gale

• gather

• geographic area

• granite

• gravitational force

• ground

• ground wire

• group

• growth

• gust

• habitat

• heat energy

• hibernation

• hide

• high-pitched

• host

• humidity

• hunger

• hydrogen

• hypothesize

• inference

• ingestion

• internal

• intestine

• invertebrate

• larva

• latitude

• lava

• layer

• lever

• lightning

• lignite

• loud

• low-pitched

• lubricant

• lysosome

• magma

• mass

• matter

• meat-eater

• melt

• mineral

• mix

• molecule

• month

• moon (satellite)

• motion

• movement

• muscular system

• mushroom

• nebula

• Neptune

• nitrogen

• nocturnal

• nymph

• observation

• obsidian

• obtain

• ocean current

• order

• organism

• parasite

• particle

• petal

• photosynthesis

• pitch

• plant cell

• plant-eater

• Polaris

• predator

• prevailing wind

• prey

• producer

• protection

• protective coloration

• pupa

• rabbit

• rate

• reflect

• relationship

• repel

• reproduce

• reproduction

• reproductive system

• respiratory system

• response

• rest

• revolve

• rotate

• running water

• scatter

• seed coat

• segment

• shape

• shelter

• simple circuit

• simple machine

• Sirius

• skeleton

• slate

• solution

• source

• spinal cord

• spines (bristles)

• spore

• stages of growth

• states of matter

• static electricity

• stratosphere

• substance

• support

• survive

• system

• thorax

• thunder

• tide

• tilt

• tissue

• tornado

• turning point

• vacuole

• vapor

• Venus

• vertebrate

• vibration

• volcanic eruption

• volcano

• volume

• warm-blooded

• waste

• waterwheel

• wave

• wearing away/down

• weather cycle

• weathering

• wedge

• week

• weigh

• weight

• wind form

• wing

• wolf

• year

RIT Score Range: 201-210

• absorption

• acid

• air pressure

• air quality

• air resistance

• alcohol

• aluminum

• amphibious

• angstrom

• animal cell

• antenna

• anus

• arthropod

• atomic structure


• balance (tool)

• ball-and-socket joint

• bar magnet

• base

• bill

• biome

• birth rate

• bladder

• blue-green algae

• body section

• body system

• branch

• broken (circuit)

• canyon

• carbon monoxide

• cause

• cavern

• cell membrane

• cell theory

• Celsius

• change over time

• chemical

• chemical property

• chemical weathering

• chlorophyll

• circuit

• circuit breaker

• circuit overload

• circulate

• collide

• column

• commodity

• community

• compaction

• compass

• compass needle

• complete metamorphosis

• composition

• compound

• compound machine

• conduct

• conductor

• constellation

• consume

• contract

• convert

• copper

• crater

• cross (genetic)

• crustacean

• cytoplasm

• dam

• death rate

• decomposer

• density

• develop

• development

• diffuse

• digest

• discharge

• distilled water


• droplet

• east

• echinoderm

• ecological cycle

• ecology

• electric current

• electrical outlet

• electron

• element

• eliminate

• ellipse

• embryo

• environment

• equinox

• evidence

• evolution

• excrete

• exhale

• exoskeleton

• expand

• factor

• falling star

• fault line

• feet

• female

• fertilization

• filament

• fin

• fission

• fluctuate

• food supply

• foot

• forecast

• fossil fuel

• four-legged

• frost

• fungi

• funnel

• fuse

• fused (circuit)

• fusion

• gaseous

• generation

• generator

• genetics

• genotype

• glaciation

• glacier

• gravitational attraction

• greenhouse effect

• hand lens

• hardness

• hereditary information

• heredity

• horizontal

• hour

• human

• hypothesis

• igneous rock

• inclined plane

• individual consumption

• inert

• insulate

• insulation

• irrigation

• jellyfish

• jointed leg

• kidney

• kilometer

• kilowatt hour

• kinetic

• kinetic energy

• landslide

• large intestine

• life zone

• light energy

• light switch

• light-year

• litmus paper

• machine

• magnesium

• material

• measurement

• membrane

• mercury (element)

• message

• metamorphic rock

• meteor

• meteorite

• meteorologist

• migrate

• mile

• minimize

• mitochondria

• mixture

• molecular motion

• mollusk

• muscle

• native

• natural gas

• negatively charged

• nervous system

• neutral

• neutron

• newton

• niche

• nitrogen cycle

• nitrogen dioxide

• nonmetal

• nova

• nuclear membrane

• nucleolus

• nucleus

• offspring

• oil

• oil well

• orbit

• organ

• organ system

• osmosis

• ovary

• parallel circuit

• paramecia

• pattern

• percolating

• pest

• petrification

• phase

• physical union

• physical universe

• polar attraction

• polarize

• pole

• pollen

• pollination

• pollutant

• population

• porous rock

• potential energy

• power

• prairie dog

• pressure

• prism

• process

• protein

• proton

• pulley

• rainfall

• red blood cell

• refract

• regulate

• relative age

• remains

• respiration

• respiratory

• ribosome

• river

• rock cycle

• rock layer

• rodent

• room temperature

• row

• sand dune

• saturation

• scale (skin)

• scales

• scientist

• screw

• sea

• sea level

• sediment

• sedimentary rock

• sedimentation

• seismograph

• selenium

• series circuit

• set

• sewage

• silver

• sinkhole

• size

• skeletal system

• skull

• sky

• slide

• slope

• small intestine

• social

• solute

• solvent

• sound energy

• source of energy

• space

• species

• spectrum

• speed

• speed of light

• speed of sound

• sperm

• sphere

• state

• stationary

• sublimation

• succession

• sugar

• sulfur dioxide

• sulfur/sulphur

• surface area

• switch

• symbiosis

• synthesis

• texture

• thaw

• thermos jug

• tidal wave

• tin

• transpiration

• transport

• trout

• turbine

• umbilical cord

• unit

• uranium

• urinary bladder

• uterus

• vaporize

• vegetation

• vertical row

• vibrate

• visible

• vocal cords

• water pressure

• water supply

• web

• well

• west

• wheel and axle

• wind speed

• wire

• yolk sac

RIT Score Range: 211-220

• abyssal floor

• abyssal plain

• agent

• air mass

• air pollution

• algae

• alpha particle

• amber

• anatomy

• angle

• annelida

• area of influence

• arm (parts of balance)

• artery

• artesian well

• arthropoda

• ash

• atmospheric pollution

• atoll

• atomic energy

• atomic mass

• atomic number

• average atomic mass

• balance

• basalt

• base (parts of balance)

• battery

• behavior

• beta particle

• biomass

• body fat

• boiling point

• boundary

• brake

• brass

• capillary

• carbon

• cell division

• cellulose

• centi-

• centriole

• change of phase

• change of state

• chemical bond

• chemical change

• chemical energy

• chemical reaction

• chlorine

• chromosome

• circuit tester

• cirrus

• cleavage

• closed container

• cnidaria

• cold front

• colony

• conception

• coniferous tree

• continental margin

• continental shelf

• continental slope

• crossing over

• crustal plate

• current

• cyclone

• decompose

• deep-water zone

• dehydrate

• dense

• deposit

• deposition

• determine

• diet

• dimmer (electrical)

• disease

• dominant

• dry cell battery

• dry ice

• duplicate

• Earth process

• Earth's crust

• echinodermata

• ecosystem

• effort

• electrical shock

• electrical wire

• electron affinity

• endoplasmic reticulum

• environmental condition

• enzyme

• erode

• excretory system

• explosion

• expression

• external appendage

• eye of a hurricane

• fair (weather)

• fat

• fault

• faulting

• fertilized

• first class lever

• fixed orbit

• flat

• float

• focal length

• focal point

• folding

• food

• food pyramid (ecological)

• formation

• formula

• frequency

• fresh water

• front

• full moon

• gastrulation

• gear

• gene

• genetic material

• gestation

• geyser

• glucose

• Golgi body

• gram

• ground water

• heart disease

• helium

• humid

• hurricane

• identify

• igneous

• illumination

• implantation

• infection

• infectious disease

• infrared

• inner core

• instrument

• insulator

• interaction

• interphase

• interrelationship

• involuntary responses

• ion

• isotope

• lichen

• life span

• limestone

• liter

• lithium

• live birth

• liver

• long-range effect

• lymphatic system

• magnetic

• marble

• mass number

• mate

• measurable

• meiosis

• melting point

• mercury barometer

• mercury thermometer

• meteoroid

• microorganism

• mid-ocean ridge

• Milky Way Galaxy

• milli-

• mitosis

• model

• mollusca

• moss

• mutation


• natural resources

• new moon

• nonliving

• nonrenewable

• Northern Hemisphere

• nuclear

• nuclear explosion

• nuclear power

• oak

• ore

• organelle

• outer core

• overcrowding

• overpopulate

• overweight

• ovulation

• ovule

• pan (parts of balance)

• parent material

• penetrate

• period of revolution

• Periodic Table of the


• petrified wood

• petroleum

• phase change

• phylum

• physical change

• physical environment

• pigment

• pistil

• plasma

• plasma membrane

• plate

• platelet

• population growth

• positively charged

• prediction

• preserve

• property

• proportion

• protoplasm

• protozoa

• pumice

• radiation

• radioactive waste

• ray

• react

• reaction

• recessive

• recycling

• reef

• reflection

• refraction

• region

• renewable

• renewable energy

• renewable resource

• replacement

• reservoir

• resource

• rift valley

• S.I. system

• salinity

• satellite

• saturation point

• scale (tool)

• sea floor

• seamount

• seawater

• section

• sedimentary

• selective breeding

• sex

• shale

• shallow-water zone

• single-celled

• smoking

• solar

• solubility point

• spectroscope

• sponge

• stamen

• stigma

• stress

• sublimate

• submerge

• symbol

• synthesize

• taxonomy

• tectonic plate

• test

• tidal

• tidal forces

• tide action

• trace elements

• trait

• transmission

• trench

• tube

• ultraviolet

• undisturbed

• vacuum

• valence

• valley

• vein

• vertical

• virus

• visible spectrum

• warm front

• watt

• wave action

• wavelength

• white blood cell

• white dwarf

• yeast

RIT Score Range: 221-230

• (plant) cell wall

• abiotic factor

• acid rain

• active transport

• additive

• adrenalin

• algal bloom

• alternating circuit

• alternative energy source

• altitude

• amino acid

• amoeba

• amplitude

• appendix

• aquifer

• artificial selection

• asteroid belt

• bacteria of decay

• biologist

• blood sugar level

• brain

• breccia

• breeder

• carbohydrate

• catalyst

• cellular respiration

• cellular structure

• centrifugal force

• charge

• charged particle

• chitin

• cilia

• class

• class (taxonomy)

• classification system

• competition

• conduction

• conjugation

• conservation biologist

• conservation of mass

• conserve

• constitute

• convect

• convergent plate


• corrosion

• cosmic rays

• cover crop

• cumulus

• Darwin


• deletion

• delta

• diffusion

• divergent plate boundary

• Dmitri Mendeleev

• effect

• electric

• electrical field

• embed

• energy releasing process

• erupt

• estrogen

• extrusive

• family

• fault zone

• fermentation

• flagella

• flatworm

• flow

• follicle-stimulating


• fracture

• fuel

• gene frequency

• gene pool

• genus

• gold

• graduated cylinder

• grams

• grassland

• gravitational field

• guard cell

• Halley's Comet

• high

• holdfast

• hormone

• hydroelectric power

• inherited

• inorganic

• insulin

• intensity

• inversion

• ionic

• iron filings

• kilogram

• kingdom

• Leeuwenhoek

• Linnaeus

• lipids

• location

• locomotion

• lowland

• lubricate

• metal plate

• metallic

• methane

• Milky Way

• milliliter

• mineral content

• moisture

• mudstone

• multiplication

• natural selection

• negative

• neutralize

• nimbus

• nuclear energy

• nuclear fission

• nuclear reaction

• nuclear reactor

• nucleic acid

• oceanic crust

• oil deposit

• pancreas

• parathormone

• Pasteur

• pH

• phenotype

• phosphate

• phosphorous

• phototropism

• plains

• plant matter

• plasmodium

• plastid

• prehistoric

• product

• protein synthesis

• protist

• pseudopod

• radiate

• rainforest

• random

• rate of entry

• reactant

• reaction force

• reactor site

• reduction division

• rock face

• runoff

• San Andreas fault

• sandstone

• Schwann

• seashell

• second

• separate

• settle

• shore

• sift

• sodium chloride

• solar power

• specialization

• specimen

• star cluster

• starch

• stimulus

• stinging cell

• stomate

• stored energy

• stratus

• streak (test)

• subdivision

• subduction boundary

• subsoil

• substitution

• substratum

• surface wind

• survival

• symmetrical

• thunderhead

• tidal power

• transfer

• translocation

• transportation

• tundra

• vestigial structure

• volcanic action

• xylem

RIT Score Range: 231–240

• axon

• basic

• climate condition

• climax

• coelenterata

• conglomerate

• daughter cell

• decibel

• deep-sea trench

• divide

• ebb tide

• electrochemical impulse

• evacuate (container)

• flood tide

• genetic structure

• geotropism

• germination

• hertz

• high pressure system

• high tide

• joule

• liverfluke

• loudness

• low tide

• maturation

• nematoda

• neuron

• neurotransmitter

• overtone

• phagocytosis

• phenolphthalein

• pinocytosis

• pioneer (plant)

• platyhelminthes

• Richter scale

• sequence

• siltstone

• synapse


RIT Score Range: 161-170

• liquid

RIT Score Range: 171-180

• after

• before

• belong

• bird

• candle

• cause

• change

• compare

• count

• direction

• electricity

• energy

• find out

• flame

• flower

• gas

• match

• moving

• number

• order

• person

• plant

• rank

• represent

• rock

• scale (tool)

• science

• shape

• side

• solid

• Sun

• technology

• time

• tree

• variable

• water

• weigh

RIT Score Range: 181–190

• accurate

• air

• balance (tool)

• chart

• cold

• common

• conclude

• determine

• Earth

• effect

• energy source

• estimate

• expect

• experiment

• feel

• feet (measurement)

• field (meadow)

• fire

• food

• form

• form of matter

• freeze

• fuel

• gasoline

• graph

• gravity

• group

• grow

• have in common

• heat

• heat energy

• height

• hot

• information

• interaction

• length

• light

• magnifying glass

• matter

• measure

• measurement

• metric ruler

• Moon

• mountain

• move

• nonliving

• object

• observation

• observe

• oil

• operational definition

• organism

• people

• probable reason

• question

• radio

• reason

• record

• report

• rough

• ruler

• scientist

• see

• sense

• shelter

• sight

• size

• smell

• smooth

• soil

• solar

• sound

• sour

• steam

• switch

• taste

• telescope

• temperature

• thermometer

• tool

• touch

• universe

• wind

• wire

RIT Score Range: 191-200

• (data) log

• animal

• atmosphere

• average

• Celsius

• centimeter

• chemical energy

• classify

• color

• compressed

• computer

• conclusion

• condense

• condition

• constant

• control variables

• cool

• creek

• cycle

• cyclic pattern

• data

• day

• degree

• diagram

• direct observation

• directions

• distance

• eat

• enlarge

• evolution

• experimental result

• extend

• fact

• field

• force

• gradient

• gradual change

• ground

• hand lens

• hear

• hypothesis

• identify

• image

• infer

• insect

• interact

• investigation

• kinetic energy

• leaf

• light energy

• live

• lung

• magnet

• magnifying lens

• material

• microscope

• model

• molecule

• motion

• notes

• nuclear energy

• ocean

• opinion

• pattern

• percentage

• perception

• period

• population

• potential energy

• power

• predict

• prediction

• pressure

• process

• proportion

• pull

• quantification

• quantify

• rain

• regular pattern

• reliable

• result

• river

• rotation

• sand

• scientific theory

• second

• seed

• seeing

• senses

• sequence

• series

• situation

• sky

• smelling

• solar energy

• space

• speed

• spring (metal)

• state of matter

• stethoscope

• stick

• stored energy

• study

• support

• table

• tasting

• theory

• time zones

• vibration

• vision

• volume

• weight

• world

• X-ray machine

RIT Score Range: 201–210

• absolute knowledge

• affect

• apparent size

• area

• arrangement

• balance (equilibrium)

• breathe

• chance

• characteristic

• circle

• claim

• comet

• communicate

• contact

• crystal

• deceleration

• deep space

• density

• describe

• design

• discard

• disease

• disequilibrium

• east

• equilibrium

• evaluate

• evidence

• evolutionary change

• evolve

• exert

• explain

• explanation

• extinct

• factor

• field of view

• friction

• gather

• generalization

• graduated cylinder

• gravitational field

• habitat

• hold constant

• hour

• ice

• imbalance

• inference

• instrument

• interpret data

• investigate

• justify

• level

• machine

• magnification power

• mass

• meter stick

• mile

• movement

• muscle

• negative deceleration

• north

• nutrition

• observable

• orderly

• per

• pH meter

• physical model

• point

• population control

• precise

• predator

• predictable

• problem

• purpose

• push

• quality

• quantity

• random group

• ray

• reject

• replicate

• research

• reversible

• scale (measurement)

• scale (size)

• scientific law

• scientific model

• shell

• significant

• slope

• southwest

• statistics

• surface

• system

• test

• texture

• thermostat

• time interval

• trial-and-error procedure

• unit

• valid

• velocity

• volcano

• wave

• west

• winter

• year

RIT Score Range: 211–220

• accelerate

• balance

• beaker

• birth rate

• coal

• coincidence

• column

• composition

• cyclic

• cyclic phenomenon

• decrease

• dependent

• design experiment

• diameter

• diesel

• double-pan balance

• electrical

• electrical field

• electrically neutral

• episodic

• evolutionary trend

• experimentation

• eyewitness

• formulate model

• geologist

• geothermal

• heating

• hypothesize

• inconclusive

• increase

• independent variable

• indicate

• interval

• judgment

• life function

• life-span

• mechanical

• mechanism

• meter

• natural gas

• negatively-charged

• nonrenewable energy


• nuclear

• number pattern

• orderly pattern

• pendulum

• phenomena

• physical property

• plate

• positively-charged

• precision

• probable

• quantitative

• random

• rate

• reasonable result

• regular increase

• regulated

• renewable energy source

• renewable resource

• repeat

• repel

• replication

• reproduce

• reproduction

• results

• scale model

• scaled up

• sphere

• testable

• theorize

• three-dimensional space

• trial

• two-dimensional space

• vary

• wood

RIT Score Range: 221–230

• abiotic factor

• assumption

• attraction

• biotic factor

• compass

• control

• controlled experiment

• conversion

• current

• dimensions

• elevation

• event

• factual

• finding (scientific)

• input

• intensity

• invalid (data)

• living

• magnetic

• magnetic field

• modification

• northern lights

• output

• Periodic Table of the


• pole

• position

• principle

• procedure

• regular time interval

• replicable

• researcher

• respiration

• scientific

• scientific evidence

• scientific method

• sea level

• sense extender

• separation

• source

RIT Score Range: 231–240

• cancellation

• opposing forces

• qualitative

• significance

• validation