Reading & Language Arts Words (By RIT Score Range)


RIT Score Range: 141–150

• beginning sound

• letter

• narrative

RIT Score Range: 151–160

• ABC order

• book

• ending sound

• paragraph

• prefix

• report

• rhyme

• riddle

• sentence

• story

RIT Score Range: 161–170

• advertisement

• base

• compound word

• contraction

• directions

• fairy tale

• folk tale

• index

• list

• main idea

• note

• nursery rhyme

• opposite

• passage

• personal narrative

• poem

• problem

• question

• root

• setting

• sign

• syllable

• table of contents

• thank-you note

• vowel

• word family

RIT Score Range: 171–180

• announcement

• article

• atlas

• author

• author's purpose

• bias

• biography

• business letter

• category

• chapter

• character

• cookbook

• dictionary

• effect

• fable

• fact

• fantasy

• journal

• label

• main character

• make-believe

• newspaper

• nonfiction

• opinion

• outline

• persuasive essay

• root word

• rule

• schedule

• science fiction

• short story

• statement

• suffix

• tall tale

• textbook

• title

• title page

RIT Score Range: 181–190

• advertise

• almanac

• antonym

• bibliography

• cause and effect

• characteristics

• classify

• conclusion

• conflict

• definition

• describe

• encyclopedia

• fiction

• genre

• glossary

• historical fiction

• instructions

• invitation

• legend

• magazine

• manual

• mood

• moral

• multisyllabic

• order of events

• phrase

• play

• plot

• poet

• poetry

• point of view

• predict

• reference book

• resource

• source

• summarize

• text

• theme

• thesaurus

• topic sentence

• Venn diagram

RIT Score Range: 191–200

• American literature

• analogy

• argue

• caption

• chart

• climax

• compare

• compare and contrast

• description

• detail

• develop

• drama

• entertain

• essay

• example

• fact and opinion

• figure of speech

• footnote

• guide words

• infer

• inference

• inform

• job announcement

• labels

• main point

• memoir

• meter

• myth

• narrator

• news

• novel

• persuade

• policy

• purpose

• recipe

• resolution

• rhythm

• rising action

• science book

• speaker

• stanza

• synonym

• topic

• vocabulary

• word root

RIT Score Range: 201–210

• acronym

• alliteration

• anecdote

• annotated bibliography

• anthology

• argument

• assumption

• autobiography

• book review

• British literature

• brochure

• catalog

• chronological order

• conclude

• context

• conversation

• dialogue

• diary

• draft

• editorial

• evaluate

• exaggeration

• excerpt

• explain

• feeling

• field guide

• figurative language

• graph

• graphic organizer

• homonym

• literary device

• literary element

• map

• middle sound

• pamphlet

• personal essay

• persuasion

• problem and solution

• reference

• reference material

• research

• review

• satire

• scene

• secondary source

• sequence

• simile

• speech

• summary

• verb

RIT Score Range: 211–220

• allusion

• appendix

• cause

• characterization

• characterize

• chronological

• classified ad

• connotation

• coupon

• debate

• diagram

• exposition

• falling action

• flashback

• foreshadowing

• guide letters

• headline

• hyperbole

• idiom

• imagery

• instruction

• irony

• memo

• memorandum

• metaphor

• narrate

• onomatopoeia

• parable

• personification

• persuasive

• picture book

• prediction

• present tense

• primary source

• primary source historical


• pun

• quote

• research paper

• resolve

• revision

• subject

• suspense

• thesis paper

• word play

RIT Score Range: 221–230

• aphorism

• assonance

• consonance

• contrast

• first person

• form

• homophone

• journalism

• literature

• quotation

• second person

• sonnet

• symbolism

• table

• tale

• term

• third person

• tone

• viewpoint

• voice

• world literature

RIT Score Range: 231–240

• archetype

• omniscient

• oxymoron

• paradox

• pathetic fallacy

• standard English

• stereotype

• symbolize

• syntax

RIT Score Range: 241–250

• cliché

• iambic pentameter

• metric feet

• synecdoche

RIT Score Range: 251–260

• antithesis

• parallelism

• scansion


RIT Score Range: 151–160

• sentence

RIT Score Range: 161–170

• capital letter

• comma

• command

• comparative

• date

• exclamation

• invitation

• letter

• mark

• paragraph

• period

• poem

• possessive

• question

• statement

• story

• superlative

RIT Score Range: 171–180

• advertisement

• apostrophe

• contraction

• cookbook

• directions

• edit

• essay

• exclamation mark

• exclamation point

• greeting

• phrase

• poetry

• pronoun

• proofread

• punctuation

• question mark

• report

• sequence

• short story

• sign

• spelling

• verb

• word order

RIT Score Range: 181–190

• action verb

• address

• audience

• body

• book report

• book title

• brainstorm

• business letter

• capitalize

• chronological order

• closing

• colon

• compound sentence

• detail

• diagram

• diary

• draft

• exclamatory sentence

• fact

• fairy tale

• friendly letter

• heading

• hyphen

• indent

• journal

• list

• main heading

• main topic

• narrative

• noun

• nursery rhyme

• outline

• passage

• past tense

• play

• plural

• predicate

• publish

• punctuate

• revise

• run-on sentence

• semicolon

• signature

• singular

• stanza

• subject

• title

• to describe

• topic sentence

• where

• writing process

RIT Score Range: 191-200

• abbreviation

• adjective

• adverb

• advertise

• argument

• article

• author's purpose

• bibliography

• biography

• book review

• cause and effect

• character

• classified ad

• clause

• compare

• compare and contrast

• composition

• conclusion

• creative writing

• data

• description

• descriptive writing

• dictionary

• drama

• ending

• explanation

• expository

• expository writing

• fantasy

• fiction

• figurative language

• folk tale

• form

• future tense

• grammar

• graphic organizer

• imperative sentence

• introduction

• letter closing

• literary analysis

• main idea

• manual

• margin

• memo

• mood

• narrative writing

• nonfiction

• novel

• opinion

• persuasive writing

• plot

• proper noun

• quotation

• quotation mark

• research

• review

• revision

• rhyme

• salutation

• schedule

• science fiction

• setting

• subject-verb agreement

• tense

• textbook

• thesaurus

• to entertain

• to inform

• to persuade

• topic

• verb phrase

• when

RIT Score Range: 201–210


argumentative essay






declarative sentence


dependent clause

direct object

direct quotation



formal essay

formal language




informative essay

interrogative sentence

introductory sentence


linking verb




main verb







prepositional phrase

present tense

sentence fragment


singular noun


subordinate clause

supporting detail



thank-you note

thesis statement


word choice

RIT Score Range: 211–220

• abstract

• active voice

• alphabetical order

• analyze

• application

• appositive

• capitalization

• characteristics

• cluster

• comma splice

• common noun

• comparison

• complex sentence

• compound-complex


• conjunction

• contrast

• documentation

• editorial

• exposition

• expository essay

• figure of speech

• fragment

• generalization

• how-to essay

• hyperbole

• idiom

• imagery

• independent clause

• infinitive phrase

• instructions

• interjection

• journalistic

• language

• limerick

• main clause

• main point

• metaphor

• modifier

• noun clause

• noun phrase

• onomatopoeia

• organization

• parallelism

• part of speech

• participial phrase

• participle

• persona

• personification

• plural possessive

• preposition

• present participle

• prewrite

• prewriting

• primary source

• problem and solution

• process essay

• purpose

• resumé

• rhetorical question

• rough draft

• simple sentence

• source

• summarize

• summary

• synonym

• theme

• to explain

• tone

• verse

• visualize

• voice

RIT Score Range: 221–230

• alliteration

• allusion

• analogy

• assonance

• cliché

• compose

• consonance

• expository paragraph

• irony

• literary device

• literary response

• paraphrase

• parody

• participial

• persuasive argument

• plagiarize

• predicate noun

• reflexive pronoun

• symbolism

RIT Score Range: 231–240

• appositive

• adjective clause

• adjective phrase

• adverb clause

• allegory

• analysis

• apostrophes

• chapter

• colloquialism

• dash

• ellipsis

• epic poem

• fable

• footnote

• formal outline

• gerund

• hypothesis

• infinitive

• italics

• nominative pronoun

• objective pronoun

• supporting evidence

• tragedy

• underlining

• works cited

RIT Score Range: 241–250

• anecdote


**Must be able to say the word without "sounding-it-out"


admire cyclone fight

love rhythm thigh

move hydrogen hydrant

though cyst crystal

ought admirable myth

dough lovable cycle

fright moveable lymph

light thought sign

sigh bought resign

system although benign


campaign desert who’s

groan coarse align

grown course foreign

chord guest design

cord guessed patients

passed mist patience

past missed ad

pedal accept add

petal except air

dessert whose heir


isle cruise buoy

bored chili impossible

board chilly improbable

based soar immature

bass sore imprison

site flour impractical

sight flower impatient

feet seem immoral

feat seam imprint

crews boy improper

LIST #10 LIST #11 LIST #12

impersonal irresponsible cent

immortal irrational accept

advertise irreversible accent

addressed irresistible access

adapt illogical accident

admire illegible enclose

adjust illiterate encounter

advance centigrade encourage

admit century envelop

irregular centimeter proceed

LIST #13 LIST #24 LIST #15

produce circus compute

progress incision diagram

project include divisible

interrupt inhale equation

intermission infect equivalent

interpret transatlantic evaluate

international transcend estimation

circulate transfer evaluate

circumference translate formula

circumstance calculate kilometer

LIST #16 LIST #17 LIST #18

mean astronomy Europe

median atlas government

mode Australia historical

polygon civilization independence

probability compromise industrial

quotient conservative interdependence

range economics legislative

volume empire minority

agriculture environment neighborhood

Antarctica erosion patriotism

LIST #19 LIST #20 LIST#21

peninsula vineyard photosynthesis

political bacteria pollution

range decomposes protists

relationship eclipse solution

republic environment temperature

revolution evaporation aerobic

rural fungi athlete

San Joaquin hypothesis characteristics

taxation mixtures competitive

veteran organism cooperation

LIST #22 LIST #23

depressant classification

endurance contraction

immunizations dictation

infectious elaborate

relaxation homophone

stimulant punctuation

alphabetical syllables

antonym synonym

apostrophe although

capitalization among